How do we find our patients?
Once the patients are identified, it’s time for The Pink Pamper to help in their unique ways. We can provide the patients with a wig voucher (valued at $350) from The Pink Pamper HaLo Fund which will go toward the purchase of a wig from one of our long standing partners, Hair Enhancements of Pittsburgh. Furthermore, around the holidays, each of the aforementioned organizations give The Pink Pamper the patient’s contact information along with their holiday wish lists. The Pink Pamper has hundreds of toys, educational games, and clothing items donated to meet the children’s wish lists. Some of our sponsors also donate gift cards toward groceries. Once everything is collected, we coordinate pickup/delivery of the items. All patient information that is received remains completely confidential.
The following non-profit organizations are who we partner with on an ongoing basis: Young Adult Survivors United, Face2Face Healing, Young Women Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation, The Glock Foundation, and Club Hope Foundation. We are always looking to add new charity partners. The Pink Pamper knows firsthand that we are always stronger together!