5225 Library Rd. #223 Bethel Park, PA 15102

How to Help


Your tax-deductible monetary contributions will help us distribute more wig vouchers, assist additional families with their holiday shopping, support women with various other tangible items, and bring much needed attention to these important efforts. In-kind donations of all types are also very much needed and appreciated.

Food for Thought

Did you know that health insurance does not cover the cost of prosthetic wigs for women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy or other medical conditions?

Are you aware that many cancer patients forego the prescription medications their doctors want them to take because they find themselves forced to choose between paying for those medications or buying food to feed their families?

Did you know women who undergo surgery for cancer often face financial stress due to the expensive and extended nature of the treatments?

Unfortunately, these are just three examples of the many difficult issues facing women fighting this difficult battle to regain their health. A battle that’s both physically and emotionally exhausting! And for them, these kinds of choices and challenges can drain them of the energy they really must have in order to triumph over cancer itself.

Therefore, The Pink Pamper is committed to providing assistance to women who find themselves involved in these situations. All of the proceeds from our fundraising efforts go directly to assist those in need.

How can you help?

Make A Gift


The Pink Pamper receives the most value from your gift when you send a check to:
The Pink Pamper – 5225 Library Rd. #223 Bethel Park, PA 15102

Make An Online Donation Now

Support one of our funds by donating online via credit card HERE.

Annual Campaign

Support The Pink Pamper during our Annual Campaign with Giving Tuesday.

What is Giving Tuesday? It’s the largest global giving day of the year. We’re excited to be a part of this worldwide event, providing a chance to give back to our community.

Mark your calendar: Giving Tuesday is always the first Tuesday of December each year!

Keep your eyes peeled starting in September to find out how you can participate in this donation celebration and what our goals are for this exciting day.

Planned Giving

Your generous planned gift can make a difference for those in our community who need it most. You can build a legacy that will have a significant purpose. For information on making a bequest, or something more complex, please reach out to Adrianna Deithorn at 412-913-1494 or at Adrianna@pinkpamper.org

Join The Giving Circle

The Giving Circle is a group of passionate, committed supporters who pledge a monthly gift. With a donation as small as $10 per month, you can provide life-changing support to women dealing with the diagnosis of cancer.

Sponsor Event

Sponsor The Pink Pamper Bubble Ball – Sponsorships range from $1,000 up to $100,000

Tickets to Events

Purchase tickets to The Bubble Ball, The Pink Pamper Luncheon or The Pink Pamper Shopping Experience.

Donate Items for Silent and Live Auctions

Silent and Live auction items are essential for us to gather for our events. These items bring in much needed support from donors. If you would like to consider a donation of an item(s) please contact our event director at adrianna@pinkpamper.org

A few examples of how your money supports our patients

$25 provides one woman with a meal for her family.

$50 provides transportation for a patient to and from treatment.

$100 provides the opportunity for one woman to get her home cleaned by a professional house cleaner.

$250 provides one screening service, such as a mammogram, to a patient allowing them to have access to care without fear of cost.

$350 provides a voucher to a woman to get a wig.

How Can YOU Help Us?


Your tax-deductible monetary contributions will help us distribute more wig vouchers, assist additional families with their holiday shopping and bring much needed attention to these important efforts. In-kind donations of all types are also very much needed and appreciated. To learn more, please email us at info@pinkpamper.org or click Donate.


We need volunteers to help us with a variety of projects throughout the year and at our fundraising events. To learn more, please email us at info@pinkpamper.org or click Volunteer.

Committee Member

We need more members to serve on the committees that help us organize and run our growing organization. To learn more, please email us at info@pinkpamper.org or click
Committee Member.


Continued support from the business community is vital to our growth. To learn more, please email us at info@pinkpamper.org.

Additional Questions? Please call (412) 855-6822 or send us a message at info@pinkpamper.org today if you have any other questions about our events or how you or your company can help us help more women.


Thank you!